
Meditation – Why and how?

What is Meditation? Meditation is a cleansing process through self-observation, which not only helps us to reduce stress but also trains our mind not to get stressed. It’s the best way to manage stress. Meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness in which the excessive stress producing activity of the mind is neutralized without reducing […]

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Stress management with lifestyle changes

Stress management through lifestyle changes

In the earlier articles, we have discussed about stress, in simple terms, stress is a reaction to certain situation. “ALWAYS REMEMBER PROBLEM IS NOT A PROBLEM, BUT YOUR REACTION TO THE PROBLEM IS PROBLEM” If you tend to get stressed out frequently, as many of us do in today’s demanding world, your body may be

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Stress - How it affects our lifestyle?

Stress – How it affects our lifestyle ?

In the last article, we have discussed about the factors which affects our lifestyle. Stress is one of the most important factor which affects our health and that is the reason why we have 90% of the psychosomatic illnesses. What is stress ?   Also Read, Stress – How to cope up with it? Stress

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