
Effects and Benefits of water

Why we should drink more water? effects and benefits of water in our body

Water is one of the important part of our health, it’s very crucial to know the effects and benefits of water in our body. Let’s see what happens when we drink more water. Our body contains approximately 60% of water. Water is essential to each and every cell in our body and to perform properly, all the cells and organs of the body require water. Why we should drink more water? Effects of water […]

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Stress management with lifestyle changes

Stress management through lifestyle changes

In the earlier articles, we have discussed about stress, in simple terms, stress is a reaction to certain situation. “ALWAYS REMEMBER PROBLEM IS NOT A PROBLEM, BUT YOUR REACTION TO THE PROBLEM IS PROBLEM” If you tend to get stressed out frequently, as many of us do in today’s demanding world, your body may be

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Healthy lifestyle – Why it is important?

I am working as a Homoeopathic doctor and nutritionist, I have seen patients with the same disease with different effects. E.g. Different Patients with typhoid have different prognosis. Some may get recover very fast; some may not recover and may succumb to typhoid. Everyone knows it’s because of their immunity, but how immunity differs for

Healthy lifestyle – Why it is important? Read More »



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