What we do



What we should do

Find the reason behind it.




Reasons behind the obesity

Genetic – Shape

Metabolism eg eating but still slim

Acquired –

Lifestyle – Stress, Diet, Water, Sleep, exercise

Medical – Thyroid, DM, Hormonal changes,

Depression etc

Let’s Find out the practical reasons

  1. STRESS –

Attachment to emotions eg fear, anger, hurt

Leads to obesity or medical conditions which causes obesity

Eg Stress causes thyroid which causes obesity



Increase appetite – Stress, DM, Low sugar, Thyroid , Female hormones

imbalance etc

Increased cravings – Fat and carbohydrate metabolism imbalance

Mindless eating – doing some other activity while eating like TV, mobile, eating

with friends or relatives while chatting

Favourite food – taking more quantity esp sweet or fried food

Sleeping late – food will digest in 2 hours and you will feel hungry

Thirst- When you don’t know that you are thirsty.

Under eating

Fasting – leads to over eating during or after fast

Dieting – Stress of not eating or controlling esp calorie food

What we are eating – quality of food

Empty calories – to satisfy app or fill up the stomach eg fried sweets

High calories

We should have balance meal – synergy in food

How we are eating


Hasty eating

How to manage obesity

Focus on healthy lifestyle to get permanent result.


stress reduction


Balance diet, low calorie food

Proper water intake

Good sleep

Regular exercise


Factors affecting

Mind – body cycle

Emotions – obesity – diseases

Emotions – diseases – obesity

Mind – foundation

Self devaluation – negative attitude


Sedentary habits

Improper diet

Lack of sleep

Less water intake

No or lack of exercise

Stop devaluating yourself

Most important thing to bring you mind in balance

Recognize our negative thought process about self

Understand that no one is perfect, some things we can change and some we cannot

Accept the things which we can not change and act on things which we can change

We can only change ourselves and not others

What we are thinking about ourselves is affecting us the most, not what other things about us

Aapaki pehechan aapake andar hai, apane aapako pehchano

Recognise your skills, improve your inabilities

Start to value what you have the best

What we should do

Live your life – Be in present – love, laugh, help

Positive Reading

Watching videos – spirituality, understanding about life, positive
attitude, comedy

Pursue your hobbies – drawing, colouring, singing, dancing, listening
music etc



Meditation – Dhyan, mindfulness

Body weight

Fat – inch loss rather than inch loss

Muscle – burns more calories





Balance diet – synergy

Low Calorie nutritious diet

Low carb, high protein dinner

Two meals

Half of dinner plate salad and fruits before lunch

Avoid fatty and sweet food

High Fiber – keep you full


70% is water

Help to circulate blood

Keep every cell hydrated, hydration help muscles to build

Helps to remove toxins through urine, sweat and stool

Helps in smooth motions, so body can remove waste

It controls your appetite

Low calorie drink

Dehydration will cause lack of interest in any activity

If urine is yellow whin you are not sick, it is a sign of less water intake or more requirement

Cramps one of the sign of dehydration


Late sleep – more food intake

When you do not get adequate sleep, the body makes more ghrelin
and less leptin, leaving you hungry and increasing your appetite.

Slow metabolism

Lack of sleep – low energy – craving foods high in calories, fats and

  • slow down activity eg exercise


Increase blood circulation – increase oxygen and nutrition

Heat production and activity helps in fat burning

For fat loss, not weight loss

Regularity is very important

More calorie burning than intake

Cardio exercises can burns calories and reduces fat

Light weight exercises strengthen muscles which burns more fat

Improves metabolism

Do what you love to do like skipping, walking, staircase walk, jogging,
outdoor games etc


Mind and body

Mind is foundation

Priority should be health

Healthy mind, Balance diet, proper water intake, adequate sleep and
regular exercise are keys to reduce and maintain the normal fat level.

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